Depression Symptom Checker (PHQ-9)
It looks like you’re doing okay. Why not take a look around our #WASTKeepTalking resources, particularly the resources to help people stay well. You can also use the portal to learn more about mental health and how to help someone who may be struggling.
TIP: did you know? Some of our colleagues have shared their experiences of how to keep mentally well. Learn more.
You may feel okay today, but best to keep an eye on your progress. You might think about using the Reading Well Wales resources to help things to improve. Record your score from today and come back in two weeks and reassess the situation using the same tool.
You should think about accessing online CBT or another form of therapy if things haven’t improved for you in the next two weeks
TIP: Put a reminder in your diary to come back and repeat the questionnaire.
You may be struggling right now and that’s okay.
You should think about contacting your GP for a full assessment of your mental health and access online CBT (or another form of intervention suggested on this portal). This may well help you. Head over to our ‘I need help now’ section to learn more about what is available. If you are having thoughts of suicide or self harm please seek help immediately.
TIP: doing different things eg physical exercise, can help to improve mental health too. Why not try a short walk every day and use this symptom checker again to see if things have improved?
It’s clear you need support, and there is plenty available for you.
You should talk to someone you trust about how you feel right now, your spouse, partner or a friend. You should seek help through your GP, GP out of hours service or 111.
If you are having thoughts of suicide or self harm please seek help immediately. Don’t hesitate to call the Samaritans if you are at crisis point. They are able to take your call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Freephone 116 123 now to start your journey to recovery.
TIP: if speaking over the phone is not for you, lots of Samaritans branches will see people in person. Learn more.
Anxiety Symptom Checker Scoring (GAD-7)
It looks like you’re doing okay. Why not take a look around our #WASTKeepTalking resources, particularly the resources to help people stay well. You can also use the portal to learn more about mental health and how to help someone who may be struggling.
TIP: did you know? Some of our colleagues have shared their experiences. Learn more.
You may feel okay today, but best to keep an eye on your progress. You might think about using the Reading Well Wales resources to help things to improve. Why not come back in two weeks and reassess the situation once you have given that a try?
You should think about accessing online CBT or another form of therapy if things haven’t improved for you in the next few weeks.
TIP: Put a reminder in your diary to come back and repeat the questionnaire
You may be struggling right now and that’s okay.
You should think about accessing online CBT or another form of therapy. Head over to our ‘I need help now’ section to learn more about what is available.
If you are having thoughts of suicide or self harm please seek help immediately.
TIP: don’t wait to see if things get better – seek help now
It’s clear you need support, and there is plenty available for you.
You should talk to someone you trust about how you feel right now, your spouse, partner or a friend. You should seek help immediately through your GP, GP out of hours service or 111.
Don’t hesitate to call the Samaritans if you are at crisis point. They are able to take your call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Freephone 116 123 now to start your journey to recovery.
TIP: if speaking over the phone is not for you, lots of Samaritans branches will see people in person. Learn more.
WEMWBS Scoring
Scoring over 59? Some people think this is a sign of really good mental wellbeing – whatever you are doing, keep doing it!
Scoring between 51 and 58? This is still pretty good mental health, and you should think about keeping an eye on this by repeating the test periodically just to make sure you continue to do ok.
If you have scored less than 50, you should think about taking the depression and anxiety symptom checkers, as scoring below this can be an indication of depression. You might think about using the Reading Well Wales resources to help things to improve.
You could think about accessing online CBT or another form of therapy. Take a look around the WASTkeeptalking portal to learn more about what is available.
TIP: Why not start a conversation today? Speak to a friend, colleague or loved one about how you are feeling.